Howdy! I’m Bobbi Raffin.
I’m also known as The Hopepreneur.
I have many stories of struggles and of triumph, but this I will leave for my blog posts.
Thank you so much for stopping by. I really do appreciate it. I live in the Willamette Valley area of Oregon.
Along with my husband, two adult kiddos and our critters, which consists of three quirky pups (they’ll always be pups to me) Bouncer, Bender and Mika, our grandpuppy Pope, a crazy black cat we found in a blackberry bush when she was about 3 months old.
Her name is … wait for it … Blackberry, and another kitty that we found in our backyard after a horrible fire in our area named Grizzly Bear. AND about 24 Koi fish-kids, along with a backyard farm of a dozen colony raised rabbits, free-range ducks and free-range chickens.
I Sure Didn’t Party in 1999 like it was 1999!
I have worked for myself since 1999 and began as a true newbie. I had never even been on the internet before! Can you believe that?? lol It’s true.
I began by teaching myself HTML, creating a website with FrontPage, adding a shopping cart, and I obtained a few contracts with wholesalers and some drop-shippers.
I sold leather bags, boots, and jackets, Disney and Coca Cola novelty items, which I did for four years. After that I ran a Daycare (Red Balloon) from my home for another four years.
I’ve worked in different multi-level marketing and direct sales companies in the last 15 years. I’ve been with Melaleuca. This is where I was introduced to Tea Tree Oil. Could NOT ingest it though. And Really – that was about the only product I liked with them.
I was with Avon and Mary Kay… Didn’t fancy Mary Kay whatsoever. Avon was a no money-maker. I love the Odyssey perfume, but gave it up due to a constant throat irritation.
I was then with Jerky Direct. I sure loved this little business….at first. It’s important to me to have tangible products that I believe in and a good income source with residual income.
The jerky started coming to our door moldy. I gave it a few months. Constant moldy jerky was enough for me.
(* I think they fixed the issue. Don’t hold it against them. Things happen and things can change. ? )
I need something that I believe in.
In 2012 I began a very purposeful search for Peppermint oil. Something I could ingest for my stomach. I tried this and I tried that. Something from Amazon. Something from our local health food store, something from our local grocery store. Nothing was any good. I tried everything out there. I was feeling pretty defeated.
Then I found two companies that produced ingestible essential oils. An acquaintance friend was with DoTerra. I had a bad feeling about it, but I joined under her. I stayed with them for a year.
Six months in I started praying about leaving. I felt so bad. I didn’t want to leave, but the business practices and the products just were not working for me at all.
So – after six months of praying I left. I left my commissions and my down-line. I started completely over with Young Living. It has been so worth it! The essential oils and the supplements are potent. My body shows me they are working in my system.
I feel better now than I have in about seven years. I am still working on slimming down, but at least now I have the energy and body strength to get MOVING and EXERCISING.
Plus, now I have the options to support my system and get rid of those sugar WANTS.
I’ve learned quite a lot over the years. I look forward in sharing what I’ve learned with you.
YOU too can live ABOVE the Wellness line and Move towards FREEDOM in your Life!
I am still enjoying my Essential Oil and Health Products journey. Loving both the benefits and the business side of it all.
I’ll share those with helpful links in articles and blog posts.
I am an online fanatic and love all things ‘internet’. Having both an online business and an online ministry, for the most part that’s where I’m at – online.
I had a full-time ‘day’ job as Technical Support, writer, SEO Specialist, Onboarding Trainer and for a time the Client Success Manager for WishList Products before it was sold.
It’s a huge blessing that I get to work from home. Four years I wrote training articles for the WL Insider membership site. I was with them from February of 2010 to October of 2022.
If you didn’t know, WishList Products created a membership site plugin for I loved working for them a TON! Great people and great products.
I still strive to set my own hours and to be financially independent and I have been since 1999.